Saturday, October 13, 2007

A New Print Review of Trinity on Tylos

Readers in Jackson County have come to know Living Jackson Magazine as a classy, professionally produced periodical which serves as a guide to a fascinating and fast growing area of Georgia. The September/October issue of Living Jackson features a full page review of Trinity on Tylos, a science fiction adventure, by Pamela J. Dodd, a native of Jackson County. (Yes, that is yours truly.)

Reviewer and fellow author Malcolm Campbell states, "In her very readable novel, Dodd gives us a strong female progagonist whose journey to the forbidding planet of Tylos is more than a trip through space. It's also an inner journey, one in which Venice will learn if she has what it takes to be more than a mere survivor."

The full review is found in Living Jackson, and archived articles can be found at My previous novel, The Gift Horse, was reviewed in the debut issue of Living Jackson and can be found in those archives.

I've received a great deal of local support for my writing, including opportunities to speak at various functions and many local customers for my books. Campbell's insightful review is a welcome addition to that support. Thanks to Malcolm Campbell and Roxane Rose, the publisher of Living Jackson.

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At Nov 6, 2007, 2:47:00 PM, Blogger Malcolm R. Campbell said...

The review was easy to write because the book was so much fun to read!


At Nov 6, 2007, 9:18:00 PM, Blogger Pamela J. Dodd said...

Many thanks for that.

I had fun writing it as well.



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