Saturday, June 04, 2011

New Contract for The Gift Horse

Publishing has made a significant change in the past couple of years. I've long loved the convenience of ebooks, and I have touted them to folks in person and online. A decade ago, I read books from now defunct publishers, on computers which have been recycled. I listened to my CDs on my computer, too. And, yes, I have watched a few DVDs on my laptop. Some would call me an "early adopter" but I don't think so. Rather than that, I read a great deal, and having to lug around a stack of books (plus a radio and a television) does not appeal to me.

But, just as it was possible to listen to music via a computer, which did not really "catch on," reading books and watching DVDs on a computer did not "catch on" either. The iPod was the device which made digital music easy to use, and the iTunes store made it cheap and convenient to purchase content. Record stores largely disappeared, and the music industry changed. Netflix, with its inexpensive streaming video content has made digital movies easy to access as well, and my children never watch television; instead they watch Netflix, YouTube, or other web-based video.

Amazon introduced the Kindle in 2007, and that device has been tweaked a bit since then. But, just as Apple did not invent the iPod and not supply content, Amazon's Kindle store has made the difference. I read Kindle books on an iPad, and the experience is amazing. Look for a book you want, and you can download it in seconds, with "one-click" from Amazon's Kindle store. The book is then searchable, as well as being easily read. My iPad has several titles on it, and it weighs less than one hard cover book.

Apparently others believe this is great way to buy and read as well. According to Business Insider, the sale of Kindle books at Amazon outpaced hard covers by July 2010; six months later, the sale of Kindle books has surpassed paperback as well. Amazon now sells 105 Kindle editions for every 100 print books. And, thus far, Amazon is selling three times as many Kindle books in 2011 as it did in 2010. Amazon now has 950,000 titles for the Kindle, and that includes The Gift Horse. I recently renegotiated the contract for my debut novel, and it is now part of the $2.99 promotional price package of books offered by its publisher. This is a great price for a full length novel, of course.

Other ebook sellers are offering the The Gift Horse at the same price point, so here are the links:


Barnes and Noble:



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