Sunday, August 14, 2005


I like that word. Re means to do again, which sounds like I didn’t do it right the first time, but that’s not precisely true. Okay, my first lacked something, but version two, which just bit cyberdust was “pretty good”, as we say here in the South. So version three, which just went up, owes quite a lot to that previous version. Design is a magical word. Carpenters drive nails and make a house, but it is an architect who designs it, and there is so much vision in design-- even if it is just a small website like mine.

That said, here’s what I like most about the new site: First, is the color scheme. I’m fond of dark colors and reverse type, even on the web, so I went back to that. Some experts say that black on white is easier on the eyes, but why have a computer screen that can produce all those snazzy colors, and only use it for black on white? Second, I enjoy the energy in the header graphic. You know something big is coming from behind that planetscape. Third, I think that sans serif type looks more modern, so that’s appropriate for beginning the promotion of a futuristic novel. Finally, this site is considerably smaller than my previous one, because with each update, a site gets larger, and mine needed to slim down again.

I hope readers will find the excerpt and back cover blurb for Trinity on Tylos interesting, and I’m sure other writers will find some good links and a bit of advice in the articles. No doubt I’ll find more to put on the events page and be able to add some ordering info for the new book when the release date nears, but I hope everyone enjoys the new look and content.

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